House of worship See Church building  
House-to-house ministry most important part of minister’s work is TM 312-3   
House-to-house visitation in 1843-44 2SM 402;WM 80;    [1]
House-to-house work among the wealthy, example of WM 72-3    [97]
House-to-house worker, House-to-house workers SDA need CT 540   
Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers addressed as rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah DA 590    [6]
Joshua (high priest) PK 583;5T 469;    [9]
Joshua (son of Nun) PP 481-524;4aSG 58-65;4T 148-64;    [102]
Judah Jacob’s son, Benjamin’s surety PP 227, 230;3SG 163-4;    [6]
Judah, kingdom of alliance of, with Egypt PK 423    [43]
Judah (tribe of) . border of, Jerusalem was on PP 703    [15]
King’s son marriage of, parable of See Parable  
Lazar house great, world is 8T 169    [6]
Levite, Levites co-operated with Hezekiah in restoring temple services PK 331-3    [34]
Lodging house Peter stayed at, in Joppa AA 136   
Lord   [3]
Lost son parable of See Parable  
Massasoit House in Chicago, Ill. 2T 553   
Matters not essential for this time should be kept in background CW 77    [1]