Military officer, Military officers census of Israel made for David by PP 747   
Money matters of God’s people, devils seek to control in EW 267   
News, good   [2]
Officer, Officers faithful, naturally look for faithfulness in others CH 410    [1]
Pacific Press publishing house men in responsible position in CW 173-4    [7]
Palmerston, Lord premier of England, quoted SL 30   
Phinehas (son of Eli) wife of, died in childbirth PP 585;4aSG 106;SR 187;    [2]
Political matter, Political matters Christ refused to interfere in DA 509;9T 218;    [4]
Priest, Priests   [217]
Prison house graves as, of Satan’s captives GC 659-60;PP 478;    [1]
Prodigal son parable of See Parable   [3]
Publishing house, Publishing houses 4T 449-62;7T 138-49, 161-74, 182-90;    [250]
Publishing-house agents ministers as 1T 688   
Publishing-house board duty of, re rights of authors to royalties 5T 563-7   
Publishing-house leader, Publishing-house leaders appeal made to 8T 95    [15]
Publishing-house management consolidation and centralization of, warning against 7T 171    [4]
Publishing-house manager, Publishing-house managers 7T 188-90    [37]
Publishing-house worker, Publishing-house workers 1T 585-92;3T 190-5;    [140]
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Religious matter, Religious matters greatest difficulties met in 3T 71