Commandment, Commandments   [324]
Commandment breaker See Commandment  
Commandment keeper See Commandment  
Commandment-keeping people See Commandment  
Corinthians, First Epistle to AA 276, 298-322, 325, 327;5T 65, 684;1SM 67, 100;    [4]
Coronation day Christ’s 4BC 1157;SD 347;    [1]
“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Damman, Israel 2SG 40-2   
Dark day (May 19, 1780), described GC 306-8    [4]
Day, Days all, God carries out His plans for us in DA 206    [38]
Day and night changes of, speak to man of God’s love CS 17;SD 17;    [2]
Day by day how God would have His people live DA 313    [1]
Day of Atonement See Atonement, Day of  
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Day of God’s preparation we live in 2SM 379;5T 118, 257, 420-1;    [2]
Day of judgment See Judgment day  
Day of reckoning   [2]
Day schools See School  
Day-Star editor of, ran into spiritualism EW 77    [1]
Discipline (for children and students)   [15]