Discourse in Six Dialogues, on the Name, Notion, and Observation of the Lord’s Day by Thomas H. Morer, quoted GC 575-7   
Eighth commandment See Ten Commandments  
El-elohe-Israel signifies “God, the God of Israel” PP 204   
Eleventh hour educate men of ability for God’s work at this 5T 554    [1]
Erring children God yearns over His PK 413   
Fatherless children See Father; Orphan  
Feasts of Israel See Festival  
First man who loved to be 3T 456    [1]
First, seeking to be   [4]
First aid in accidents. children and youth should be instructed in Ed 196    [5]
First angel’s message EW 232-7;GC 355-74;SR 356-63;    [115]
First and second angels’ messages   [1]
First-born Israel as God’s, among nations DA 51;PP 273;3SG 195;    [2]
First-born son, First-born sons Christ as See Christ   [11]
First commandment See Ten Commandments  
First day of week See Sunday  
First fruit, first fruits Andrew and John as, of Christ’s ministry DA 138    [49]
First love when, will not die but increase in fervor Ev 356   
Fourth commandment See Commandment, fourth; Ten Commandments  
Historical and Practical Discourse on the Lord’s Day by Francis West, quoted GC 575