Demoniac power exercised upon King Saul for years PP 679   
Demon power human instruments used by, in traffic of intoxicating liquor Te 39    [2]
Digestive power, Digestive powers abuse of, brain work affected by GW 241    [5]
Educating power Bible is without rival as FE 84;ML 23;PP 596;    [2]
Electric power brain’s, aids in resisting disease Ed 197;3T 157;   
Gift of tongues See Tongue  
Gossiping tongue, Gossiping tongues add fuel to fire 5T 51   
Healing power Christ bestows, through Spirit MH 224    [14]
Heathen nation, Heathen nations alliance with, Solomon led into apostasy by Ed 49    [20]
Heathen power greater and still greater parade of, near close of time TM 117   
Idolatrous nation, Idolatrous nations Abraham was called from 3SG 98;SR 75;    [1]
Individual power needed in gospel work 3T 497   
Infinite Power arm of, take hold of 6T 474    [1]
Inherent power man’s, satanic deception re 1T 294   
Intellectual power, Intellectual powers appetite should be subject to PP 562    [34]
Intellectual power (strength) Adam and Eve had little less, than that of angels PP 50    [40]
Inventive power, Inventive powers good cook needs CD 260    [1]
Investigative power, Investigative powers Christians should use, to see and correct evils in themselves 5T 96   
Kingly power no, set in church by God LS 386;8T 232-3, 236;   
Latent power, Latent powers that should be aroused to action CT 511    [1]