Honorable man (men) person who is most, on earth 5T 235    [1]
Honored man (men) world’s most, many people in common walks of life could be on equality with DA 250   
House of God on earth, gate of heaven to believer 5T 491    [2]
Human, Humans/Humanity/Man/Men  
Hurt   [1]
Idol god, Idol gods set up by Jezebel, regarded as deities PK 115    [1]
Image of God   [40]
Independent men of earnest endeavor, God’s work needs 3T 496   
Jehovah God name of, denotes His condescension and compassion 2BC 1034   
Judgment of God, Judgments of God about to fall on world 6T 407    [165]
Juniper tree Elijah under PK 162;3T 291;   
“Kingdom of God,” expression used in reference to two different kingdoms GC 347   
Law of God   [2151]
Leading men many, will accept third angel’s message GC 611    [1]
Leafing fig tree See Parable  
Little thing, Little things   [1]
Man, Men   [644]
Married man (men) flirtations of, women who invite MM 145    [4]
Medical men some, unfit to act as physicians to women CH 365    [1]
Medical missionary men guardians of people’s health 6T 110    [6]