Hasty spirit deprives man of reason for the time 4T 243    [5]
Hateful spirit Satan would inspire children with his own MYP 333   
Haughty spirit must not mar God’s work TM 249    [1]
Heathen woman, Heathen women Rahab’s conversion as PK 369    [3]
Helpless soul hang your, upon Christ 4T 568   
Herb drink EGW used 2SM 302   
Heroic soul, Heroic souls will win imperishable crown MM 257   
Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
Home missionary spirit See Missionary spirit  
Honest soul every, will come to light of truth GC 522    [1]
Human soul value of, seen by looking with living faith at cross SL 93    [1]
Humble spirit God desires that Christ’s, be revealed in institution 7T 92   
Idolatrous woman, Idolatrous women Jezebel was PK 115    [2]
Impatient spirit many people drive Christ from their families by 1T 304    [2]
Independent spirit man of a very 3T 414   
Indolent soul falls easy prey to temptation PK 660   
Inexperienced soul, Inexperienced souls expect to meet and bear with great imperfections in 5T 605   
Insolent spirit rebellious Israel’s SR 162   
Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
Irritable spirit eating has much to do with 2T 697    [1]