Sight-seeing almost ungovernable propensity for 3T 26-7    [1]
Simple manner ministers should present truth in GW 170   
Slothful person, Slothful persons 1T 325    [6]
Slow person, Slow persons should reform CG 125;SD 114;   
Small (little) things Adam’s transgression regarded as, by many people CH 409    [100]
Sorrowful person, Sorrowful persons duty of, to try to help those more needy than themselves MH 256    [5]
Sorrowing person, Sorrowing persons Christ’s promise to comfort DA 454    [3]
Spirit, Holy See Holy Spirit  
Spiritual things are. controlled by certain principles 5T 724    [12]
Steadfast thing, Steadfast things only, that world knows PK 548   
Strange thing, Strang things wonderful and new, some believers always ready to catch up Ev 611   
Strangled things Gentiles forbidden to eat AA 194-5;SR 308;   
Suffering person, Suffering persons angels are welcomed when you open your door to DA 639    [41]
Suffering poor person, Suffering poor persons neglect of, is neglect of Christ 4T 620    [1]
Supercilious person, Supercilious persons true conversion makes, serious and unobtrusive GC 462;SC 58;   
Superficial things turn your mind away from MYP 265   
Sweet thing, Sweet things better to let, alone CD 328, 335   
Talented person, Talented persons are to. act their part in carrying forward mission interests 5T 563    [22]
Talkative person, Talkative persons God’s work does not need LS 275    [1]
Temporal thing, Temporal things how men are tested in 4T 309    [1]