Irreligious person, Irreligious persons cannot be happy ML 158    [1]
Irreverent manner do not speak in, of great and dreadful God EW 122    [2]
Kind person, Kind persons God’s cause needs 1BC 1113    [1]
Lame person, Lame persons duty to care for 3T 517-8    [2]
Large things expect, from God 2SM 404   
Lazy manner cold, messengers of God must not pray in GC 622   
Learned person, Learned persons argument that, do not believe in Sabbath observance GC 455    [29]
Licentious person, Licentious persons churches should give no place to 5T 146    [10]
Life’s best things cannot be bought or sold MH 198;7T 27;   
Little thing, Little things   [1]
Lowly person, Lowly persons work for 6T 83-4   
Manner, Manners abrupt, minister who had 3T 242    [127]
Married persons See Husband and wife  
Meek person, Meek persons earth that is promised to MB 17    [8]
Middle-aged person, Middle-aged persons commandment binding upon 2T 80    [1]
Money-loving person, Money-loving persons change needed in 2T 239    [2]
Most Holy Place   [8]
Mystery of Godliness   [1]
Naked person, Naked persons Christian’s duty to clothe CS 162;MYP 314;   
Natural things combine, with spiritual in school studies FE 375