Little gift See Offering  
Little incident See Incident  
Little indulgence See Indulgence  
Little loss See Loss  
Little man See Small man  
Little matter See Small matter  
“Little ones,” in Matt. 10.42, persons who are as children in faith and knowledge of Christ are PK 132    [1]
Little opportunity See Opportunity  
Little outgo See Small outgo  
Little sin See Sin  
Little test See Test  
Little thing, Little things   [1]
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Promised land   [1]
Rachel Jacob’s wife PP 188-90;3SG 117-9;SR 89-90;    [1]
Salt land persons who walk as if in AA 563   
Small (little) acts conscientious attention to, makes great beauty and success of life SD 253    [6]
Small (little) efforts great characters are formed by CM 78   
Small (little) men be willing to be, handling great subjects Ev 134   
Small (little) things Adam’s transgression regarded as, by many people CH 409    [100]