Jonathan angels aided, in defeating Philistines PP 623;4aSG 70;    [20]
Jonathan David’s uncle 3BC 1128   
Joyless people world led to suppose that God’s people are TM 175   
Judicial oath See Oath  
Kindest people reformers should be Ev 303   
Lawless people SDA should do nothing that will mark them as Ev 173   
Lost (people)   [19]
Mass of people, Masses of people education of, must begin in early life MYP 233    [2]
Measuring rod golden, angelic architect with TM 17    [1]
Mouth, Mouths bad taste in. eating too much causes FE 425    [7]
Negro people Satan’s efforts to keep truth from reaching 9T 208   
Oath, Oaths MB 66-9    [37]
Old people only safety of, watchfulness and prayer are PK 82    [2]
Omnipotent hand still trust SC 106   
One-sided people cultivation of one set of mental faculties to neglect of the others makes 3T 153   
People Christ sought, where they were CH 501    [130]
People of God   [474]
Praying people God’s faithful, as shut in with Him PK 590;5T 475;   
Prejudiced people wisdom needed in presenting unpopular truth to 3T 426   
Presumptuous hand let no, seek to lift veil concealing God’s glory MH 438