Accusing spirit   [8]
Acquisitive spirit must be overcome CS 227   
Angel hands God’s arrows barbed and true-aimed by COL 158   
Angry spirit exhausting itself in torrent of faultfinding 4T 243   
Arbitrary spirit drives away friends 4T 126   
Arm, Arms   [42]
Arms (weapons)   [4]
Attitude, Attitudes/Disposition, Dispositions/Spirit   [111]
Band, Bands   [11]
Bigoted spirit beware of indulging 2SM 127    [2]
Braggadocio spirit 3T 459    [1]
Bruised hands and limbs charcoal used in treating 2SM 294-6, 298-300   
Burnt offering, Burnt offerings Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac as SR 81-2;4T 144-5;    [14]
Byron, Lord 4T 519-20    [1]
Calm spirit under perfect control, better even in roughest company 4T 486    [1]
Censorious spirit church members warned against MB 127    [7]
Cheerful spirit accept your lot with MH 199    [3]
Combative spirit Christ did not manifest, in teaching the people DA 299    [8]
Compassionate spirit sweet peace for MB 23   
Complaining spirit makes you unhappy and displeases God 2T 56