Condemnatory spirit evils of 9T 125;TM 290;    [2]
Contemptuous spirit Satan’s, toward his victims TM 504   
Contented spirit importance of PK 219   
Cord, Cords even, believers should work unitedly and draw in 1SM 168;1T 547-8;    [12]
“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Courageous spirit gives power of endurance 4T 341    [1]
Courteous spirit blind man should cherish 3T 515    [1]
Courting spirit publishing house is no place for 3T 191   
Covetous spirit abhor 2BC 1029    [2]
Critical spirit fails to control tongue 5T 342    [3]
Criticizing spirit hearts bruised sore by MM 138    [1]
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Debating spirit put away Ev 249   
Defiant spirit avoid developing, in child CG 212    [3]
Denunciatory spirit by youth, unbecoming and positively disgusting 2T 134    [5]
Devotional spirit SDA are losing 2SM 314-5   
Dictatorial spirit assertions and advice savoring of, not good fruit 3T 535    [9]
Discontented spirit restless and, man who cherished 2T 423   
Domineering spirit church leaders warned against TM 357-8    [2]
Doubting spirit halting and, obstacles never disappear before GW 262;PP 290;