Debating spirit put away Ev 249   
Defiant spirit avoid developing, in child CG 212    [3]
Denunciatory spirit by youth, unbecoming and positively disgusting 2T 134    [5]
Devotional spirit SDA are losing 2SM 314-5   
Dictatorial spirit assertions and advice savoring of, not good fruit 3T 535    [9]
Disciple of Christ, Disciples of Christ   [299]
Discontented spirit restless and, man who cherished 2T 423   
Domineering spirit church leaders warned against TM 357-8    [2]
Doubting spirit halting and, obstacles never disappear before GW 262;PP 290;   
Evangelistic spirit Adventist, in 1843-44 WM 79-80   
Evil spirit, Evil spirits See Spirit; Spirits, evil  
Exacting spirit warning against 3T 417   
Faith of Jesus   [4]
Followers of Christ See Christian  
Forgiving spirit cultivate 3T 98   
Frivolous spirit light and, put away GC 490;SD 355;   
Fruits of the Spirit   [1]
Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) absolute, what is 7BC 914    [30]
Grace   [1063]
Grace, Graces Christian. are fruits of Spirit 1T 162    [65]