Sweet thing, Sweet things better to let, alone CD 328, 335   
Temporal thing, Temporal things how men are tested in 4T 309    [1]
Testing truth, Testing truths for this time Ev 212;2SM 14-5;    [2]
Theological truth jealous regard for so-called, hatred of genuine truth often accompanies DA 309   
Things of God, danger of forgetting CS 112    [88]
Things new and old parable of See Parable  
Transitory things of this life, turn away from CT 485   
Trifling things conversation on, youth warned against 2T 290    [1]
Trivial things praised and magnified 5T 401   
Truth, Truths   [2580]
Truth evasion of, condemned MB 68    [10]
Unclean things trivial exactions of Jews re DA 617   
Unseen things eclipsed by the seen UL 103.4    [8]
Voice of Christ See Christ  
Walling, May Ev 453-5   
Warren, May E. hymn “Lift Him Up” by, quoted FE 284   
Witty thing, Witty things ministers’ disposition to say, warning against Ev 642    [1]
Word of truth must be man of our counsel ML 315   
Works of Christ we are to work, with grace in hearts MM 316    [1]
Worldly things danger in setting affections on 2T 192-3