Atoning blood   [26]
Backslidden woman 2T 281   
Blood   [340]
Blood circulation   [79]
Blood feud between Abner and Joab PP 699   
Blood-making organs foods that cannot be converted into good blood by CH 114;2T 383;    [4]
Blood pressure in brain, mental distress as cause of 1T 577   
Blood stream mental impressions affect 3T 70    [2]
Blood transfusion See Blood; Infusion  
Blood vessel, Blood vessels contraction of, mental impressions cause 3T 70    [3]
Canaanite woman   [2]
Christian woman See Woman  
Diseased body, Diseased bodies accompanied nearly always by diseased mind 6T 301    [3]
Diseased condition body’s, man cannot change MM 13   
Diseased person, Diseased persons condition of, over-eating aggravates 2T 364    [2]
Divorced woman endured great suffering in Christ’s time AH 341    [1]
Fig-leaf garment, Fig-leaf garments Adam and Eve made 1BC 1084;COL 311;PP 57;3SG 43;SR 37;    [3]
Four thousand years   [1]
Garment. Garments blood rubbed on, vision re EW 76-7    [43]
Heathen woman, Heathen women Rahab’s conversion as PK 369    [3]