Licentious life chosen by many people because it suits their natural and perverse inclination 5T 141    [1]
Life, Lives   [1801]
Life-and-death message SDA have 6T 61   
Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe by R. Vaughan, quoted GC 86-7   
Life and Times of John Huss by Ezra H. Gillett, quoted GC 119   
Life and Times of Luther by Wm. Carlos Martyn, quoted GC 136, 143, 154, 165-7, 221, 238, 289, 292-6   
Life energies See Life force  
Life force, Life forces anxiety and care crush MH 115    [6]
Life-giver Christ as See Christ   [1]
Life-giving power all, is from God MH 113    [8]
Life-giving property, Life-giving properties bestowed by God on all that nature produces 1BC 1081;MM 8;    [1]
Life-giving virtue Christ’s word alone can impart DA 149   
Life history dark chapters of your, do not review 6T 367    [3]
Life insurance 1T 549-51    [5]
Life insurance papers eternal, things that will not give man his MM 123    [1]
Life insurance policy Christ’s, for man is eternal life 6BC 1070    [3]
Life of Christ See Christ   [1]
Life of Joseph Bates by Jas. White, as Christmas gift for youth AH 479   
Life of Luther by Barnas Sears, quoted GC 82   
Life of Napoleon by Walter Scott, quoted GC 269-71, 274-5