“Fidelity to God,” as motto for Christians PK 148;5T 528;   
Financial strength how to have increasing, in God’s work GW 466   
First day of week See Sunday  
Followers of Christ See Christian  
God   [6627]
God, Gods, false Abraham’s descendants led by Satan to worship PK 687    [64]
“God Almighty,” words, irreverently used in prayer EW 122    [1]
“God and the right,” as motto for Christians 6BC 1081   
“God Moves in a Mysterious Way,” by Wm. Cowper, quoted 5T 726   
God the Father   [264]
Gospel of kingdom must be proclaimed to all world before second advent MB 108-9   
Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan (by EGW), adapted especially to new believers CM 129;Ev 366;    [49]
Healing power Christ bestows, through Spirit MH 224    [14]
Heard God does not wish His people to hear all that is to be 1T 707   
Heathen god, Heathen gods as deified spirits of departed heroes PP 684    [5]
Heathen power greater and still greater parade of, near close of time TM 117   
Heaven aged persons should be ripening up for 1T 423-4    [173]
Heaven (God and/or the inhabitants of heaven)   [49]
Heaven (place)   [708]
Heaven of heavens Christ officiates as priest and advocate in DA 757    [1]