Genevese people GC 233   
Gilgal Achan stoned at PP 613-4    [21]
Greatest men world’s, not beyond God’s wonder-working power AA 140    [1]
Happiest people world’s FE 83-4;ML 161;   
Happy people Christians should be most ML 177;MYP 363;   
Heathen king, Heathen kings God moved upon, to help Nehemiah TM 201    [1]
Herdsman(men) Amos was MH 148    [1]
Hiram (king of Tyre) PP 703    [1]
Holiness people erroneous doctrine held by 1SM 360-1    [2]
Holy people God desires His people to be TM 458   
Honorable man (men) person who is most, on earth 5T 235    [1]
Honored man (men) world’s most, many people in common walks of life could be on equality with DA 250   
Hope of Israel paper issued in Iowa 1T 655, 660   
Human, Humans/Humanity/Man/Men  
Humble people God’s, spirit that cannot harmonize with spirit of message given to 1T 330-1   
Independent men of earnest endeavor, God’s work needs 3T 496   
“Israel,” name of, given to Jacob MB 144;PP 198;    [1]
Israel   [1302]
Jealous king insane madness of PP 658   
Joyless people world led to suppose that God’s people are TM 175