Impatient word, Impatient words are costly offering to his satanic majesty 1T 310    [8]
Inexperienced soul, Inexperienced souls expect to meet and bear with great imperfections in 5T 605   
Insulting word, Insulting words respond to, by gentle answers 5T 344   
Kind word, Kind words as cup of cold water to thirsty soul ML 165;7T 50;    [9]
Lay, Dr. H. S. LS 170   
Lay, George 2SG 238;2T 23;   
Lay member See Church member  
Lay missionary work See Church member; Missionary work  
Lay missionary worker See Missionary worker  
Meekness acquired by experience of years MH 454;8T 314;    [205]
Niggardly souls too narrow-minded 2T 284   
Obedient soul, Obedient souls are called the just TM 235    [5]
Palsied souls DA 203;MH 84;   
Passionate word, Passionate words children should be taught to withhold CT 124    [3]
Penitent soul, Penitent souls bound to God with links that cannot be broken DA 300    [5]
Pettish word teachers should keep back the CT 195;FE 263;   
Prophetic word power of Pharaoh’s empire battled in vain against DA 32   
Provoking word, Provoking words what to do when tempted to speak AH 342-3   
Rash word, Rash words do not let self appear in GW 163   
Redeemed soul, Redeemed souls   [269]