Image of Christ God has predestinated everyone to be conformed to DA 827    [6]
Jesus Christ See Christ  
Life of Christ See Christ   [1]
Looking to Christ 5T 199-202    [6]
Love, Loves   [2131]
Love Creator of all worlds proposes to, believers in His Son even as He loves His Son FE 234    [12]
Love feast camp meeting may be 6T 63    [1]
Love-making bewitching power of 5T 110   
Love romance, Love romances women who dream over unreal life found in 2T 464   
Love sacrifice one constant, your whole life may become SD 76   
Love story, Love stories charm of, mind’s healthy tone destroyed by 2T 236    [13]
Mental distress JW’s, over his diseased condition 4T 282   
Nakedness   [1]
National peril God’s care for Elisha in time of PK 236   
Nature of Christ See Christ  
“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go,” poem by George Matheson, quoted MH 179   
Patient love Christ helped people with GW 49   
Peril, Perils attending God’s people at every step, none of us realize 3T 560    [40]
Persecution   [342]
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59