Reign of Christ on Earth, or The Voice of the Church in All Ages by Daniel T. Taylor, quoted GC 302-3   
School of Christ absentees from, who have forgotten sound of Teacher’s voice FE 346;CT 410;    [117]
Seal of Christ   [1]
Selfish love confines itself to prescribed limits 3T 530    [2]
Self-love beclouds perceptive powers LS 199;2T 605;    [43]
Self-renouncing love law of, is law of life for earth and heaven DA 20   
Self-sacrificing love glory of, Christ’s glory is DA 20    [3]
Separate company, Separate companies God’s people should not separate themselves into, because of differences of nationality and language 9T 198   
Steps to Christ by EGW Ev 277;FE 212;    [2]
Sword, Swords Abraham used, to save people of Sodom PP 139    [36]
Time of peril angels comfort and protect God’s people in GC 621    [1]
Tribulation, Tribulations attitude to take toward 3T 423    [22]
Voice of Christ See Christ  
Works of Christ we are to work, with grace in hearts MM 316    [1]