Praying people God’s faithful, as shut in with Him PK 590;5T 475;   
Prejudiced people wisdom needed in presenting unpopular truth to 3T 426   
Presumptuous people self-destroying, careless and reckless persons are MM 226   
Prodigal son parable of See Parable   [3]
Remnant people breach in wall is repaired by PK 678    [21]
Self-sacrificing people bread and water of, will be sure 1T 173-4    [1]
Sickly people need to become health reformers CD 39   
Simple-minded people can understand Sermon on Mount 5T 254   
Sleeping people sleeping preachers preaching to 2T 337   
Son, Sons of God. angels as MB 109    [13]
Son-in-law man who should have confided more in 3T 130   
Son of Man   [2]
Son of the law Hebrew boy became, when 12 years old DA 75   
Spirits of dead people angels are not disembodied GC 511    [11]
Street people   [1]
Substantial people SDA need MM 202   
Suffering people Christ unites His interest with His PP 535    [5]
Thousands of common people Christ will use, in miss. work Ed 269-71   
Thousands of people can be reached in most simple and humble way CM 39;COL 232;    [26]
Two   [2]