Joash Gideon’s father PP 546-7   
Joash king of Israel PK 261-3   
Joash king of Judah PK 215-6   
Job, book of . Moses wrote, in Midian 3BC 1140;Ed 159;    [2]
Joel, book of written 2,500 years before May 19, 1780 GC 308   
Joshua, book of PP 524;4aSG 65;SR 182;   
Judah Jacob’s son, Benjamin’s surety PP 227, 230;3SG 163-4;    [6]
Judah, kingdom of alliance of, with Egypt PK 423    [43]
Judah (tribe of) . border of, Jerusalem was on PP 703    [15]
Kind act, Kind acts enjoined toward personal enemies PP 311    [6]
King, Kings Adam as, in Eden 1BC 1082;Ed 26;    [73]
King, Seneca H. LS 185-6;1T 600;2T 18;   
Lamentations, book of Jeremiah wrote PK 461-2   
Lesson book, Lesson books Bible is God’s great COL 107    [17]
Leviticus, book of all believers should read 6T 273    [2]
Nehemiah, book of history in, recorded for God’s people today 3BC 1138    [1]
Niggardly acts accountability to God for 2T 250-1   
Passionate acts as infirmity of childhood CT 207   
Patriarchs and Prophets (book) adapted especially to new converts CM 129;Ev 366;    [21]
Prophets and Kings preparation of, by EGW in 1910 2SM 230