Proverbs, book of Ed 135;7T 218;    [4]
Reading book, Reading books select and compile, for SDA schools CT 458   
Relief book, Relief books See “Christ’s Object Lessons;” “Ministry of Healing”  
Rest (noun) abiding in Christ brings SC 71    [154]
Rest (verb) disciples. needed to DA 359, 360    [11]
Rest day every tenth day devoted as, in France in 1793 GC 274 See also Sabbath; Sunday   
Rest home for infirm persons and invalids See Aged person; Infirm person  
Revelation, book of AA 578-92;TM 112-8;    [135]
Saints’ Everlasting Rest by Richard Baxter GC 253   
Secret act, Secret acts all, are open to God, Christ, and angels 2T 292-3    [1]
Self-denying act, Self-deying acts God not unmindful of our 5T 611    [1]
Sinful act, Sinful acts persons who employ others to do, are also guilty DA 204    [1]
Small (little) acts conscientious attention to, makes great beauty and success of life SD 253    [6]
Statute book great, Bible is EW 52    [2]
Study book of highest value is that which contains instruction of Christ CT 389    [2]
Trivial acts of men’s lives are open to God’s view 2T 560   
Written records antediluvians had no PP 83   
Written revelation no, during first 2,500 years of human history GC 5