Gospel feast call to, is first to be given in highways 6T 76    [2]
Gospel field world is COL 36-7;4T 381; See also World   
Gospel-hardened people become, when SDA work is confined to few centers 9T 236   
Gospel Herald quoted 9T 225   
Gospel in Ezekiel by Thomas Guthrie, quoted GC 384   
Gospel invitation extended to every human being DA 328-9    [8]
Gospel light shone in Jewish age PP 366-70   
Gospel meeting, Gospel meetings importance of inviting people to attend ChS 130 See also Evangelistic meeting   
Gospel message announces today that second advent is at hand COL 226-7    [15]
Gospel net art of using, many teachers need to learn CT 253    [1]
Gospel of kingdom must be proclaimed to all world before second advent MB 108-9   
Gospel plan ministers should work on, of ministering CH 533   
Gospel promise given first to man in Eden Ed 27;PP 370;    [2]
Gospel religion is Christ in human life COL 384   
Gospel seed See Seed  
Gospel sermon first, preached in Eden DA 663   
Gospel truth ruins if it does not save 5T 134   
Gospel wagon, Gospel wagons disappointing results of Ev 583   
Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]