Debating manner sharp, ministers warned against Ev 303   
Deceptive work mystery of iniquity’s, in effecting great apostasy in early church GC 49   
Department, Departments, of gospel work . all, duty to support GW 370    [12]
Departmental work all, must bear stamp of miss. work 7T 216    [13]
Dictatorial manner Scriptures should not be taught to youth and children in CT 429;FE 385;   
Dorcas work EGW’s experiences in WM 322-5    [1]
Educational missionary work See Missionary work  
Educational work advancement of, books dedicated to CT 525;FE 520-4;1SM 103-4;9T 76, 88;    [37]
Evangelism (evangelistic work)   [156]
Food work, health . God’s gift to His people 7T 128    [3]
Foreign missionary work See Missionary work  
Fretful manner speaking in, is sinful CG 95   
Generation, Generations cases of people of each successive, investigative judgment considers GC 483    [21]
German publishing work at College View, Nebr. 9T 189-94   
Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
Half-and-half work constant denying of Christ by ChS 41   
Halfhearted work God will not accept 2T 46    [1]
Halfway work do not do, in seeking God’s kingdom CD 484-5   
Haphazard manner (way) God does not work in 6BC 1054    [1]
Haphazard work in home, will not stand test of judgment CG 25    [4]