Blessing of God, Blessings of God   [111]
Book and Bible House See Missionary society; Tract society  
Byron, Lord 4T 519-20    [1]
Cause of God administrators of, must work for its advancement as a whole GW 455    [138]
Census of Israel David took PP 747    [1]
Child, Children   [3668]
Child, Children (adults as)   [20]
Children and youth   [10]
Child of day, Children of day few people can be called 5T 10   
Child of God, Children of God   [79]
Child (children) of world   [3]
Children See Child  
Children of Satan See Satan  
Church of God fanatics claim to belong to 1T 224   
City of God   [23]
Corinthians, First Epistle to AA 276, 298-322, 325, 327;5T 65, 684;1SM 67, 100;    [4]
Councils of God, Councils of God Christ in, before coming to world SD 26   
Counsel, Counsels ability to give, some men have 2SM 361    [111]
Counsel/Admonition/Advice   [86]
“Counsel together,” angel has repeatedly said 5T 30;TM 252;