Love romance, Love romances women who dream over unreal life found in 2T 464   
Love sacrifice one constant, your whole life may become SD 76   
Love story, Love stories charm of, mind’s healthy tone destroyed by 2T 236    [13]
Mary (mother of Jesus)   [82]
Method of Grace by John Flavel, thousands helped by GC 253   
Nature of Christ See Christ  
“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go,” poem by George Matheson, quoted MH 179   
Palmerston, Lord premier of England, quoted SL 30   
Patient love Christ helped people with GW 49   
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Reign of Christ on Earth, or The Voice of the Church in All Ages by Daniel T. Taylor, quoted GC 302-3   
Sanctifying grace Christ is great depository of 1SM 398   
School of Christ absentees from, who have forgotten sound of Teacher’s voice FE 346;CT 410;    [117]
Seal of Christ   [1]
Selfish love confines itself to prescribed limits 3T 530    [2]
Self-love beclouds perceptive powers LS 199;2T 605;    [43]
Self-renouncing love law of, is law of life for earth and heaven DA 20   
Self-sacrificing love glory of, Christ’s glory is DA 20    [3]
Sincerity children should be given no occasion to doubt your 2SG 256    [34]
Steps to Christ by EGW Ev 277;FE 212;    [2]