High place, High places Balaam offered sacrifices on PP 444    [6]
Historical and Practical Discourse on the Lord’s Day by Francis West, quoted GC 575   
History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week by J. N. Andrews 1T 667;3T 38-9;    [1]
Holy place See High priest; Sanctuary  
House of God on earth, gate of heaven to believer 5T 491    [2]
Idol god, Idol gods set up by Jezebel, regarded as deities PK 115    [1]
Image of God   [40]
Jehovah God name of, denotes His condescension and compassion 2BC 1034   
Judea, wilderness of . John the Baptist was reared in DA 101    [2]
Judgment of God, Judgments of God about to fall on world 6T 407    [165]
“Kingdom of God,” expression used in reference to two different kingdoms GC 347   
Land, Lands Australian, worked in superficial way FE 368;TM 243-4;    [93]
Land boom as curse to country FE 317-8   
Land, promised   [1]
Land speculation mania for, warning against CS 231    [1]
Law of God   [2151]
Lazy day, Lazy days holidays are FE 317   
Leading Seventh-day Adventists action of, when God does not sustain TM 293-5    [18]
Lonely place persons to whom earth will never be Ed 120   
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94