“Peace, Be Still!” poem by Miss M. A. Baker, quoted DA 336   
Peace offering, Peace offerings Abigail presented, to David and his men PP 666    [14]
Perfect whole God’s work is, because it is perfect in every part MYP 144   
Peter’s mother-in-law Christ healed DA 259;MH 29;   
Petted children among college students FE 53    [1]
Physical law See Law  
Plastered stones on Mt. Ebal PP 500   
Policy man (men) conservative, God does not need 5T 263    [5]
Professional man (men) benefits of manual training are needed by Ed 220    [7]
Prosperous man Bible picture of Ed 142    [1]
Proverbs, book of Ed 135;7T 218;    [4]
Quarrelsome children adults as 3T 53    [2]
Rabbinical law, Rabbinical laws Christ acted independently of DA 84   
Reading book, Reading books select and compile, for SDA schools CT 458   
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Red man Christ loves ChS 218;2SM 343;   
Relief book, Relief books See “Christ’s Object Lessons;” “Ministry of Healing”  
Responsible man (men) arbitrary use of authority by TM 357-8    [17]
Restless children cake or candies given to, to keep them still 2SM 435   
Revelation, book of AA 578-92;TM 112-8;    [135]