“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Lord   [3]
Manoah   [1]
Manoah and wife Christ instructed 2BC 1006;MH 333;    [1]
“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go,” poem by George Matheson, quoted MH 179   
Palmerston, Lord premier of England, quoted SL 30   
Pray and labor, labor and pray TM 499    [31]
Pray short 2T 578   
Ready be always TM 421    [1]
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Self-made man (men) God’s cause needs 7T 280   
“Thus saith the Lord,” take your stand on ML 73   
Treasury of Lord abominable means of raising money for WM 290    [133]
“Watch, pray, work,” Christian’s watchword is GW 257    [1]