Delusive power evil spirits’, Scriptures are safeguard against GC 593    [1]
Demoniac power exercised upon King Saul for years PP 679   
Demon power human instruments used by, in traffic of intoxicating liquor Te 39    [2]
Digestive power, Digestive powers abuse of, brain work affected by GW 241    [5]
Educating power Bible is without rival as FE 84;ML 23;PP 596;    [2]
Electric power brain’s, aids in resisting disease Ed 197;3T 157;   
Financial strength how to have increasing, in God’s work GW 466   
Healing power Christ bestows, through Spirit MH 224    [14]
Heathen power greater and still greater parade of, near close of time TM 117   
Individual power needed in gospel work 3T 497   
Infinite Power arm of, take hold of 6T 474    [1]
Inherent power man’s, satanic deception re 1T 294   
Intellectual power, Intellectual powers appetite should be subject to PP 562    [34]
Intellectual power (strength) Adam and Eve had little less, than that of angels PP 50    [40]
Intellectual strength See Intellectual power  
Inventive power, Inventive powers good cook needs CD 260    [1]
Investigative power, Investigative powers Christians should use, to see and correct evils in themselves 5T 96   
Kingly power no, set in church by God LS 386;8T 232-3, 236;   
Latent power, Latent powers that should be aroused to action CT 511    [1]
Life-giving power all, is from God MH 113    [8]