Sing faith and talk faith CT 234 See also Music   
Sing out what Spirit works in 1T 154   
Social power develop your 6T 172-3    [2]
Spiritualistic power false teachings spread by, warning against 8T 293   
State power church decrees will be enforced by 7BC 976    [6]
Strength acquired by effort Ed 123    [152]
Strength (physical)   [12]
Strength (spiritual)   [285]
Superhuman power works in variety of ways Ev 603   
Supernatural power, Supernatural powers how to meet, of satanic agencies TM 249    [6]
Supernatural strength promised to the faithful in every conflict 2BC 995-6   
“Thou shalt not,” God’s, contains or implies a promise 5T 445   
“Thus saith the Lord,” take your stand on ML 73   
Transforming power effects of Christ’s, upon soul 1SM 337    [1]
Treasury of Lord abominable means of raising money for WM 290    [133]
Unifying power truth’s, revealed 1SM 168   
Vitalizing power Christ dwells in hearts as 7T 189    [2]
Vital power, Vital powers disturbing circulation of electric currents in nervous system lessens 2T 347    [5]
Vivifying power Spirit makes God’s word a 8T 55   
Will power aids in. overcoming nervous attacks 5T 310    [52]