Sleeping people sleeping preachers preaching to 2T 337   
Spirits of dead people angels are not disembodied GC 511    [11]
Street people   [1]
Substantial people SDA need MM 202   
Suffering people Christ unites His interest with His PP 535    [5]
Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
Thousands of common people Christ will use, in miss. work Ed 269-71   
Thousands of people can be reached in most simple and humble way CM 39;COL 232;    [26]
Unapproachable people Ev 464   
Unlearned people do not neglect, in gospel work Ev 552 See also uneducated person   
Vegetable kingdom poisonous preparations in, warning re 4aSG 140   
Weak-minded people argument that only, keep seventh day as Sabbath Ev 240   
White people black people and, are free and equal in God’s sight 2SM 343    [12]
Wicked people angels will protect God’s people against attempts of, to slay them EW 282-5;LS 102;GC 630-1, 634;    [120]
Wisest people make mistakes 2SM 169   
Young people See Youth