Hateful spirit Satan would inspire children with his own MYP 333   
Haughty spirit must not mar God’s work TM 249    [1]
Holy flesh erroneous doctrine of Ev 595, 600;2SM 31-9;    [3]
Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
Home missionary spirit See Missionary spirit  
Humble spirit God desires that Christ’s, be revealed in institution 7T 92   
Imaginary things actors speak of, as if they were real CT 255   
Impatient spirit many people drive Christ from their families by 1T 304    [2]
Independent spirit man of a very 3T 414   
Insolent spirit rebellious Israel’s SR 162   
Irritable spirit eating has much to do with 2T 697    [1]
Judging spirit warning against 4T 326   
Judicial spirit hard, many believers manifest 8T 298   
Large things expect, from God 2SM 404   
Life’s best things cannot be bought or sold MH 198;7T 27;   
Little thing, Little things   [1]
Loved one, Loved ones doing miss. work for MYP 201-2   
Lying spirit See Spirit  
Meek spirit Christian will cultivate ML 193    [4]