Needless things spending money for CS 290, 298;FE 152;MH 207;2T 279;3T 386, 412;6T 441;   
Needy person, Needy persons among God’s people, our duty to 6T 269-72    [134]
Nerveless persons Christians who are DA 73   
Nervous manner learn not to speak in CT 239-40   
Nervous person, Nervous persons duty of 2T 321    [6]
New thing, New things itching desire to originate, strange doctrines result from 2SM 38    [4]
Offensive person, Offensive persons whom Christ freely accepts MH 99   
Older persons what, are to live for 2T 330-1    [1]
Old-fashioned things that are needed today 2SM 19;1T 461;   
One hundred persons home miss. work needs, where now one 9T 42    [1]
One thousand persons more than, will soon be converted in one day CM 151;CW 181;WM 101;   
Oppressed person, Oppressed persons acts to relieve, result in blessings to doer PP 218;4T 56;    [16]
Overbearing manner repent of 4T 341   
Patented things manufacture and sale of, not wrong 1T 664   
Patient person, Patient persons children should be taught to be CG 17    [5]
Peevish person, Peevish persons heart of, Spirit does not abide in CS 115    [2]
Penurious person, Penurious persons angels turn from, in shame 2T 239    [4]
Persecuted persons angels have pleaded cause of, in council halls and courts of justice Ed 305    [1]
Person, Persons every, has his peculiar sphere and vocation FE 48    [3]
Persuasive manner approach people in Ev 444;WM 87;