brak: shabhar =" break" (down, off, in pieces, up), "destroy," "quench" (
Isa 14:25;
Jer 19:10,
Eze 4:16;
Am 1:5); paraq =" to break off" or "craunch"; figuratively "to deliver" (
Ge 27:40 the King James Version); araph =" to break the neck," hence, "to destroy" (
Ex 13:13); harac =" to break through" (
Ex 19:21,
24); parats =" to break" (forth, away), occurs in
Ex 19:22,
1Sa 25:10; "breaking faith,"
Ho 4:2; parach =" to break forth as a bud" (
Le 13:12); nathats or nathaq =" destroy" (
Eze 23:34 the King James Version, the Revised Version (British and American) "gnaw"; see BREAST); chalal =" profane," "defile," "stain" (
Nu 30:2;
Ps 89:31,
34); baqa =" rip open" (
2Ki 3:26;
Isa 58:8); raa =" to spoil by breaking to pieces," "to make good for nothing" (
Job 34:24;
Ps 2:9;
Jer 15:12, the King James Version "Shall iron break northern iron?"); patsach =" to break out" (in joyful sound), "break forth," "make a noise" (
Isa 14:7, the nations rejoice in the peace which follows the fall of the oppressor); nir =" to glisten," "gleam" (as of a fresh furrow) (
Jer 4:3;
Ho 10:12); pathach =" to open wide," "loosen," "have vent" (
Jer 1:14); naphats =" to dash
to pieces or scatter," "overspread," "scatter" (
Jer 48:12, the work usually done carefully shall be done roughly;
Jer 51:20-23, descriptive of the terrible fate appointed for Babylon); na'aph =" to break wedlock" (
Eze 16:38); tsalach or tsaleach =" break out," "come mightily" (
Am 5:6). The New Testament employs luo =" to loosen," "dissolve" (
Mt 5:19); diorusso =" to penetrate burglariously," "break through" (
Mt 6:19,
20, Greek "dig through"); rhegnumi or rhesso =" to disrupt," "burst," "to utter
with a loud voice" (
Ga 4:27); klao =" to break" (
Ac 20:7, "to break bread," i.e. to celebrate the Lord's Supper;
1Co 10:16).