"Israel is elect for the sake of mankind." This is the moral interpretation of a choice that otherwise appears arbitrary and irrational. God's purpose and call of salvation are unto all mankind. "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else" (
Isa 45:22). And Israel is His servant, chosen, the messenger He sends, "to bring forth justice to the Gentiles" (
Isa 42:1,
12). The idea is further developed in the conception of the SERVANT OF JEHOVAH (which see) as the faithful few (or one) formed "from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him," "for
a light to the Gentiles," God's "salvation unto the end of the earth" (
Isa 49:1-6;
52:13-53:12) (compare Isaiah's doctrine of the Remnant: Shearjashub; also, the righteous, the godly, the meek, in Pss; and see Skinner, Isaiah, II, xxx ff). As the conception of personality and of individual relation and responsibility to God developed from Eze onward, together with the resulting doctrine of personal immortality, the conditions were prepared for the application of the idea of election to individuals (compare
Ps 65:4).