This exaltation is based upon the essential glory of the Son of God, who "being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person.... sat down on the right hand" (
Heb 1:3 the King James Version). It is the claim which the Lord makes for Himself in His prayer (
Joh 17:4,
5), and is thus specifically declared in
Php 2:6-11: "God highly exalted Him." But in His glory Christ received the power universal and Divine. In
Eph 1:20-22 His supreme dignity and power are affirmed "far above.... every name," "all things.... under His feet" (compare
Heb 2:8;
1Co 15:27;
1Pe 3:22). Christ at the "right hand of God" is the highly suggestive picture of His universal dominion asserted by Himself (
Mt 28:18): "All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth." It is vain to speculate upon the relation of Christ's nature in this exalted state. We cannot distinguish between the human and Divine. We can only believe in, and trust and submit to the One Glorified Person who thus administers the kingdom in perfect harmony with its Divine laws in all the ages, and His own revelation of the will of God, as given to man in His own earthly career: pitiful, tender, serving, helping, restoring, saving, triumphant. The exaltation is for His mediatorial and finally saving work. He is the Head of His church; He is the Lord of angels and men; He is the Master of the ages.