Among the requisites for the proper conduct of war the most important was the camp (machaneh). Of the exact configuration of the camp of the Israelites, it is not possible to speak with certainty. The camp of Israel in the wilderness seems to have been quadrilateral, although some have supposed it to be round or triangular (
Nu 2:1 ). The camp in the wilderness was furnished with ensigns and standards-the family ensign ('oth), and a standard (deghel) for the group of tribes occupying each of the four sides. The standard or banner (nec) is used of the signal for the mustering of troops, but standard-bearer, which occurs only once in the Bible, is a doubtful reading (
Isa 10:18, where the Revised Version margin, "sick man," is rather to be followed). In time of war the camp was surrounded by a barricade, or wagon-rampart (ma?gal), as at Elah (
1Sa 17:20); and Saul lay within such a barricade in the wilderness of Ziph with his people round about him when David surprised him and carried off his spear (
1Sa 26:5 ). Tents were used for the shelter of troops, at any rate when occupied with a siege (
2Ki 7:7), although at the siege of Rabbah we read of booths for the purpose (
2Sa 11:11). Pickets were set to watch the camp, and the watch was changed three times in the course of the night (Jud 7:19;
1 Macc 12:27). It was usual to leave a guard in charge of the camp when the force went into action or went off upon a raid (
1Sa 25:13;
30:10). Careful prescriptions were laid down for the preservation of the purity of the camp, "for Yahweh thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp,.... therefore shall thy camp be holy" (
De 23:9-14; compare
Nu 5:1-4). Garrisons (matstsabh) were placed in occupation of fortresses and strategical centers (
2Ch 17:2). No doubt the caves in the hillsides and rocky fastnesses of the land, as at Michmash, would serve for their reception (
1Sa 13). The garrisons, however, which are expressly mentioned, were for the most part military posts for the occupation of a subject country-Philistines in Israelite territory (
1Sa 13:23;
11), and Israelites in Syrian and Edomite territory (
2Sa 8:6,