From the first, women were responsive to his teachings and devoted to his person. The sisters of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, made their home at Bethany, his dearest earthly refuge and resting-place. Women of all ranks in society found in him a benefactor and friend, before unknown in all the history of their sex. They accompanied him, with the Twelve, in his preaching tours from city to city, some, like Mary Magdalene, grateful because healed of their moral infirmities (
Lu 8:2); others, like Joanna the wife of Chuzas, and Susanna, to minister to his needs (
Lu 8:3). Even those who were ostracized by society were recognized by him, on the basis of immortal values, and restored to a womanhood of virtue and Christian devotion (
Lu 7:37-50). Mothers had occasion to rejoice in his blessing their children (
Mr 10:13-16); and in his raising their dead (
Lu 7:12-15). Women followed him on his last journey from Galilee to Jerusalem; ministered to Him on the way to Calvary (
Mt 27:55,
56); witnessed his crucifixion (
Lu 23:49); accompanied his body to the sepulcher (
Mt 27:61;
Lu 23:55); prepared spices and ointments for his burial (
Lu 23:56); were first at the tomb on the morning of his resurrection (
Mt 28:1;
Mr 16:1;
Lu 24:1;
Joh 20:1); and were the first to whom the risen Lord appeared (
Mt 28:9;
Mr 16:9;
Joh 20:14). Among those thus faithful and favored were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, Salome (
Mt 27:56), Joanna and other unnamed women (
Lu 24:10). Women had the honor of being the first to announce the fact of the resurrection to the chosen disciples (
Lu 24:9,
22). They, including the mother of Jesus, were among the 120 who continued in prayer in the upper room and received the Pentecostal enduement (
Ac 1:14); they were among the first Christian converts (
Ac 8:12); suffered equally with men in the early persecutions of the church (
Ac 9:2). The Jewish enemies of the new faith sought their aid and influence in the persecutions raised against Paul and Barnabas (
Ac 13:50); while women of equal rank among the Greeks became ardent and intelligent believers (
Ac 17:12). The fidelity of women to Jesus during his three years' ministry, and at the cross and sepulcher, typifies their spiritual devotion in the activities and enterprises of the church of the 20th century.