1. A City North of Jerusalem
   The ancient city adjacent to, and finally embraced in, was called Luz, Joshua 18:13, Judges 1:23-26
   Abraham estblishes an altar at, Genesis 12:8, 13:3, 4
   The place where Jacob saw the vision of the ladder, Genesis 28:10-22, 31:13, Hosea 12:4
    and builds an altar at, Genesis 35:1-15
   Deborah dies at, Genesis 35:8
   Conquered by Joshua, Joshua 8:17, Joshua 12:16
    by the household of Joseph, Judges 1:22-26
   Allotted to Benjamin, Joshua 18:13, 22
   Court of justice held at, by Deborah, Judges 4:5
    by Samuel, 1 Samuel 7:16
   Tabernacle at, and called HOUSE OF GOD, Judges 20:18, 31, 21:2
   Jeroboam institutes idolatrous worship at, 1 Kings 12:25-33, 2 Kings 10:29
   Idolatry at, Jeremiah 48:13, Amos 4:4
   Shalmanezer sends a priest to, 2 Kings 17:27, 28
   Prophecies against the idolatrous altars at, 1 Kings 13:1-6, 32, 2 Kings 23:4, 15-20, Amos 3:14
   The school of prophets at, 2 Kings 2:3
   Children of, mock Elisha, 2 Kings 2:23, 24
   People of, return from Babylon, Ezra 2:28, Nehemiah 7:32
   Prophecies against, Amos 5:5
2. A City in the South of Territory of the Tribe of Judah 1 Samuel 30:27
3. A Mountain 1 Samuel 13:2