1. Instances Of
   Satan, in the temptation of Eve, Genesis 3:1-5
   Jacob, in purchase of Esau's birthright, Genesis 25:31-33
    obtaining Isaac's blessing, Genesis 27:6-29
    in management of Laban's flocks and herds, Genesis 30:31-43
   Gibeonites, in deceiving Joshua and the Israelites into a treaty, Joshua 9:3-15
   Sanballat, in trying to deceive Nehemiah into a conference, Nehemiah 6:1-19
   Jews, in seeking to entangle the Master, Matthew 22:15-17, 24-28, Mark 12:13, 14:18-23, Luke 20:19-26
    in seeking to kill Jesus, Matthew 26:4, Mark 14:1