when the throng was pressing Jesus and the woman with the blood disorder touched him,
Luke 8:45
10. Seeks the Interpretation
of the prophecy of Jesus concerning his second coming,
Mark 13:3, 4
12. Sent with John to Prepare the Passover Meal
Luke 22:8
13. Calls Attention to the Withered Fig Tree
Mark 11:21
14. His Treachery Foretold by Jesus
19. Jesus Sends Message To
21. Present at the Sea of Tiberias
When Jesus appeared to his disciples; jumps into the sea, and comes to shore when Jesus is recognized; is commissioned to feed the flock of Christ,
John 21:1-23
23. His Statement in Front of the Disciples
Concerning the death of Judas, and his recommendation that the vacancy in the apostleship be filled,
Acts 1:15-22
25. Heals the Immobile Man
26. Accused by the Council
27. Foretells the Death of Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 5:1-11
28. Imprisoned and Scourged
31. Rebukes Simon, the Sorcerer
Stays with Simon, the tanner; raises Dorcas from the dead,
Acts 9:36-43
Of a sheet containing ceremonially clean and unclean animals,
Acts 10:9-16
37. Receives the Servant of the Centurion
Goes to Caesarea; preaches and baptizes the centurion and his household,
Acts 10:1-48
38. In the Hearing of the Apostles and Elders