Descended from Canaan's Son, Heth Genesis 10:15
Called The
Sons of Heth Genesis 23:3, 20
Children of Heth Genesis 23:5
One of the Seven Nations of Canaan Deuteronomy 7:1
Dwelt in Hebron Genesis 23:2, 3, 19
Governed by Kings 1 Kings 10:29, 2 Kings 7:6
Land Of, Promised to Israel Genesis 15:20, Exodus 3:8
Israel Commanded to Destroy Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 24
Part of Their Land Given to Caleb Joshua 14:13
Not Entirely Destroyed by Israel Judges 3:5
The remnant of, made tributary in the reign of Solomon 1 Kings 9:20, 21
Luz Built in the Country Of Judges 1:26
Intermarriages With, By
Esau Genesis 36:2
Solomon 1 Kings 11:1, 2
Israel after conquest of Canaan Judges 3:5, 6
Israelites after the captivity Ezra 9:1
Descent from, illustrative of the degradation of the Jews Ezekiel 16:3
Remarkable Persons Of
Ephron Genesis 49:30
Abimelech 1 Samuel 26:6
Uriah 2 Samuel 11:6, 21