The Hill of Bashan Celebrated For Isaiah 2:13
Described As
Strong Amos 2:9
Thick spreading 2 Samuel 18:9, Ezekiel 6:13
Casting its leaves in winter Isaiah 6:13
The People of Tyre Made Oars Of Ezekiel 27:6
Idolaters Often Made Idols Of Isaiah 44:14
The Ancients Often
Rested under Judges 6:11, 19, 1 Kings 13:14
Buried their dead under Genesis 35:8, 1 Chronicles 10:12
Erected monuments under Joshua 24:26
Performed idolatrous rites under Isaiah 1:29, 57:5, Ezekiel 6:13, Hosea 4:13
Absalom in his flight intercepted by, and suspended from 2 Samuel 18:9, 10, 14
Jacob Buried His Family Idols Under Genesis 35:4
Of the church Isaiah 6:13
Of strong and powerful men Amos 2:9
Of wicked rulers Isaiah 2:13, Zechariah 11:2
(Fading,) of the wicked under judgments Isaiah 1:30