Commanded 1 Peter 1:13, 5:8
The Gospel Designed to Teach Titus 2:11, 12
With Watchfulness 1 Thessalonians 5:6
With Prayer 1 Peter 4:7
Required In
Ministers 1 Timothy 3:2, 3, Titus 1:8
Wives of ministers 1 Timothy 3:11
Aged men Titus 2:2
Young men Titus 2:6
Young women Titus 2:4
All saints 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 8
Women Should Exhibit, in Dress 1 Timothy 2:9
We Should Estimate Our Character and Talents With Romans 12:3
We Should Live In Titus 2:12
Motives To 1 Peter 4:7, 5:8