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Psalm 119:20
My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy judgments at all times. (Psalm 119:20)
Advent Herald and Signs of the Times Reporter GC 397   
Apostolic times gospel preached to world in MH 141   
Bible times location and time of events of, is practical knowledge CT 518    [1]
Careless soul, Careless souls shaken out of church 1T 181-2   
Contrite soul cry of, God hears 5T 173    [1]
Deceived soul, Deceived souls be very reluctant to give up 1T 383    [3]
Despairing soul, Despairing souls feelings and needs of, consideration to be had for 5T 113    [2]
Doubting soul, Doubting souls Ev 240    [2]
Erring soul, Erring souls all men are, needing God’s pitying forgiveness 3T 93    [123]
Guilty soul, Guilty souls know what sins to confess in order to be clean before God 1T 156    [5]
Heart-longing Christ can satisfy, of all who come to Him SC 46-7   
Helpless soul hang your, upon Christ 4T 568   
Heroic soul, Heroic souls will win imperishable crown MM 257   
Honest soul every, will come to light of truth GC 522    [1]
Human soul value of, seen by looking with living faith at cross SL 93    [1]
Indolent soul falls easy prey to temptation PK 660   
Inexperienced soul, Inexperienced souls expect to meet and bear with great imperfections in 5T 605   
“Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” by Wesley (Chas.), quoted TM 183   
Judgment of God, Judgments of God about to fall on world 6T 407    [165]
Judgments(legal) amplified principles of Decalogue PP 364    [12]