“Those who desire to become missionaries are to hear instruction from competent physicians, who will teach them how to care for the sick, without the use of drugs. Such lessons will be of the highest value to those who go out to labor in foreign countries. And the simple remedies used will save many lives.”—Manuscript 83, 1908.
(PH144 17.2)
“The Lord will be the Helper of every physician who will work together with Him 18in the effort to restore suffering humanity to health, not with drugs, but with nature’s remedies. Christ is the great physician, the wonderful Healer. He gives success to those who work in partnership with Him.”—Letter 142, 1902.
(PH144 17.3)
“While the physician uses nature’s remedies for physical disease, he should point his patients to Him who can relieve the maladies of both the soul and the body.”—The Ministry of Healing, 111.
(PH144 18.1)
“In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained, unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to reestablish right conditions in the system.”—The Ministry of Healing, 127
(PH144 18.2)